• HotelsHero is a software service developed and powered by LuggageHero that radically simplifies luggage storage and management at hotel.

  • Because we can free up your staff’s time, make their job easier and make it easier for guests to store luggage. That’s a win-win-win.

  • Nothing. Nada. It is completely free to start and use HotelseHero to you as a hotel/hostel

  • That’s up to you and them. Hotels decide whether to charge a handling fee. Guests can opt to buy insurance through HotelsHero.

  • Nope. We are not a locker system. Our model works well with small spaces and no need for big infrastructure. We’ll show you how.

  • Registration and set up is instant. If you already have a room available, we will get you sorted in no time.

  • No advanced training needed.

  • Our self-service system is designed with multiple layers of security to prevent theft. Each security seal is tamper-proof, so that any attempt to tamper with the luggage is immediately evident. Plus the storage room is only accessible to authorized individuals.

  • No, the security tags are single-use. They cannot be reused or manipulated without showing clear signs of tampering.

  • Because here’s what we can do for you that is not already being done:

    * Streamline reservations

    * Offers a fully self-service system, if you want, to free up staff’s time

    * Provide digital tickets – no more paper tickets that guests lose

    * Predict peak and slow times, so you can plan accordingly

    * Give guests a way to tip digitally – a major leap forward in the hotel industry

    * Give guests the option of insurance (paid by the guests) for an extra peace of mind

  • Hotels staff can always access the storage room. Guests are all different and have different needs, therefore they can always count on the hotel staff for help.

  • Yes, you can generate new revenue from your luggage room by adding hourly/daily prices. But that is totally up to you! You are in control.